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The Finger

Excerpt taken from Chapter Four

“Hold the bag open,” Phoebe told Fran, as she picked up what was left of a hand.

Fran spread the opening of the black garbage bag as wide as she could and watched Phoebe drop the man’s right hand into the bag. “God, he’s really starting to stink,” Fran declared.

“What’s in what bag? I’ve lost track,” Phoebe asked.

“His feet and hands are in the bag I’m holding. His fingers are in that bag over there,” Fran replied.

 Phoebe glanced towards the bag Fran was looking at and froze. “Don’t move,” she whispered.

Fran looked puzzled. “Why?”

“That bag is moving. Oh, my God, Fran. His fingers are moving. We need to get out of here.”

Fran reached over and pulled the bag closer. She opened it and reached inside. “Oh, Sammy, how did you get in there?” She lifted the cat out of the bag and handed him to Phoebe. “It’s just Sammy. Here, take him.”

“No. Oh, no!” Phoebe shouted. “Make him drop that.”

Fran turned the cat around and looked at his face. “Ah, shit! Drop it, Sammy. Let go.” She grabbed the finger sticking out of his mouth and pulled. Sammy, having other ideas, wiggled and squirmed his way out of her hands, hit the floor, and took off running. He passed Phoebe, ran into the hallway and down the stairs, holding the severed finger tight between his teeth.

“We’ve got to get that finger,” Fran said, sighing.

“I know. It will make him sick if he eats it.”

The two women stood up and headed down the stairs.


Synopsis: Five minutes after Fran saves her sister, Phoebe, from a rape attack, she makes the biggest mistake of her life. Concerned the cops won’t buy the story of what actually happened, she convinces her sister that they should size down the body, bag it, and toss it away in the woods. However, cutting up a body is a lot easier said than done.  After one of the man’s fingers goes missing and can’t be found, thanks to Fran’s cat Sammy, the fear of being caught intensifies.


Emotions run high and Phoebe, who has spent her entire life being told what to do by her passive/aggressive sister, starts to fight back. But when Fran goes off the wall with her temper, Phoebe finally says enough is enough. Is it possible for sisters to continue to live in the same house, each wondering if she will still be alive in the morning? And, where is that finger?


From the first sentence, this book will make you laugh, shudder, squirm, wince a little, and wonder what is coming next. And – you won’t put it down until you finish that last page.

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